Things are going crazy in the energy field…
...and that can be really exhausting!
The image is a record from the Schumann resonance, which you can also follow here in real time. You can recognize the grid patterns and also the “dropouts” in the picture – these are often particularly stressful for the body. The collective energy field, but also these incoming frequencies have an influence on us. And as soon as our energy increases, our consciousness also changes – things become clearer, old issues even more visible, sore points even more noticeable. The vision clears (“sich lichten” is one of my favorite words in German, because it is so ingenious! It means “to lighten”, similar to “coming to light” – but not everything that shows is automatically beautiful).
However, our physical body must first adapt to these new circumstances and the changes in our energy field. This can be quite exhausting sometimes! Sleep disorders, irritability, fatigue, mood swings, headaches and so much more are so called “ascension symptoms”, meaning that the body has difficulties in adapting to the higher energies.
We can support our bodies in this process! Physically, there are four main areas that seem most important to me right now:
- Detox
- Adapt
- Relax and rest
- Strengthen
Especially when having sleep disorders, headaches and general fatigue it is good to remember, that all of these symtpoms might be indicators, that the body is heaving trouble with detoxification. The liver is overloaded – the phrase “fatigue is the pain of the liver” is not a coincidence! (The liver hardly ever hurts, but when we are constantly tired, this can be a sign of a overworked liver). There are a number of remedies that can help with this.
Since detoxing really requires some know-how, I have recorded the following video on the subject here (in German, but you can try the automatic subtitles and hope for some understandable translation – I will try to make subtitles in English soon):
The detoxification supplements help the body with internal cleansing. After all, all the old things that are no longer needed, that are no longer beneficial, must first be broken down and removed. Before you start with stronger detox products, the most important thing is that your digestion is regular (this means 1-2 bowel movements a day).
To improve this psyllium husk powder or Trinkmoor (mineral peat, contains humic acid) and of course sufficient amounts of liquid (water, unsweetened herbal teas). Trinkmoor has a detoxifying effect in itself, but additionally regulates intestinal activity. Teas that strengthen the liver and kidneys are also good. I like the teas of the company Sonnenmoor very much (no, they haven’t paid me for writing this), such as Niermy-Tee (kidneys), Lemi-Tee (liver) or also Ent-Tee (alkaline detox tea). The more our acid-base balance is in order, the better we can detoxify. Of course you can also use other teas: classic liver herbs are, for example, the dandelion – root and leaves – or rosemary, for the kidneys it would be bedstraw, nettle, goldenrod, yarrow.).
A great detox tea is also cistus tea!
As standard detox supplements that are well tolerated by most, I use mostly:
- zeolite
- Ultrabinder (made by Quicksilver Scientific – expensive, but really good)
- Trinkmoor (made by Sonnenmoor)
- Pianto (available at
Of course not all at once!!!
Chlorella is also a well-known detoxifier, but you have to be careful with it. Some people don’t tolerate it very well. That´s why it might be difficult to use, especially at the beginning of detoxing, because if used incorrectly you won’t do your body any favors. You have to know how to use it and it might be tricky to find the right dosage. Dr. Klinghardt recommends 3 x 20 tablets daily, but this is just a general recommendation. Chlorella is one of my favourite remedies, but I haven´t listed it above, because it can be tricky – its best to seek advice from a experienced therapist in this case (or read a lot about it yourself).
Our physical body needs to get rid of the old stuff first in order to make room for the new. Because with the new energies incoming, our physical body must re-align itself.
The old doesn’t really fit anymore, but the new isn’t there yet. It’s a constant, sometimes exhausting, process. Mother Earth is also vibrating higher and higher, so processing all of this is often poses a challenge. We need flexiblity and stability at the same time!
So-called “adaptogens” are particularly suitable in this case – because they literally help us to adapt better to new circumstances and to deal more easily with stressful situations. The most popular are, for example, ashwaganda, ginseng or rose root (Rhodiola rosea). They help the body deal with stress and can help with sleep disorders – because if we are stressed and overwhelmed, this quickly affects our sleep.
Gemmomazerate wirken auf verschiedenen Ebenen – körperlich, emotional und energetisch.
Support from gemmotherapy
I am a fan of the forest and trees in general, and of the gemmomacerates extracted from them in particular. Gemmomacerates are made from the buds, which means that they not only contain many minerals, but also the “blueprint”, the energy of the whole tree. And a tree has to adapt to all kinds of influences in order to thrive.
The following GEMMOMACERATES might be very good choices right now:
MALUS DOMESTICA (apple tree) – is also called “the reconciling bud”, so I guess we should all bathe in it! It regulates hormonal balance, blood circulation and lymph flow and has a general calming and immunoregulating effect. Furthermore, it stimulates the metabolism, thus promoting detoxification of the body. Its spiritual aspect: “The macerate helps to accept the decisions once made in the past and to accept them as a possibility for self-development. The apple bud reconciles us with our past “*. Because as the saying goes: acceptance is the basis of any change.
HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES (sea buckthorn) – “the buds at the service of life”. The sea buckthorn gemmomacerate is excellent for stimulating or keeping the body’s defenses and adaptability. It is like a fountain of youth for all body cells, strengthens the immune system and increases stress tolerance. And on top of that it has a remineralizing effect. On a spiritual level, we can benefit from it right now, because “it is suitable for all situations of increased stress. It helps to endure lean periods, especially when previous life concepts have been questioned”.
GINKGO BILOBA (temple tree) – the harmonizing bud, because “it gives courage and endurance to continue the path of life unclouded” and helps to better cope with nervousness and anxiety. On a physical level, it has an antioxidant and vitalizing effect, it increases stress tolerance and promotes mental capacities. Concering all the information overflow and the strangeness of our times, our brain really deserves some support.
Source: Chrischta Ganz, Louis Hutter „Gemmotherapie. Knospen in der Naturheilkunde“.
Staying grounded
Another important point at the moment is even stricter hygiene – energetically speaking. People who are not doing well at the moment, who are frustrated, often tend to “throw their energies around” in an unconscious hope that someone else will take care of their negative feelings. What can happen is, that our energy field is being bombarded with other people’s negative emotions. Our energy field is constantly exposed to a wide variety of stimuli – and not of them tend to be positive. Just think about the news 😉
Therefore, it is especially important to come calm oneself down and to cleanse one’s own energy field. I often do this while I am in the forest, there I additionally visualize that the branches of the trees help me clean my energy field, that the fresh forest air transforms all that does not belong to me and no longer fits. I just let it go away with every step, every breath of fresh air.
Not only “forest baths”, but also salt baths are particularly suitable – if you don’t have a bathtub, you can mix the salt with some oil (e.g. almond oil, but olive oil does it too) and rub it onto your skin while showering. Salt has always been an amazing “energy neutralizer”.
And I can also only recommend grounding meditations. I have uploaded some meditations on Spotify (in German), but you can also record a meditation with your own voice. This might make it easier for your subconscious mind to accept it. Here is a possible text for this kind of meditation:
Clearing your energy field - meditation
Just sit comfortably, with the upper body in an upright position, but don’t overstretch. It should be above all comfortable, so you could also lie down if you want.
Now you can close your eyes. Concentrate completely on your breath. On the inhalation and exhalation. Feel what it’s like to just sit there. With each exhalation, everything that no longer belongs to you goes away. What you may have heard or read somewhere, or what has attached itself to your energy field. All that can go. You send it away, in good faith that it will go where it belongs. Everything that is no longer beneficial to you is also allowed to go: feelings, thoughts, any stress that might have accumulated in your body. Everytime you exhale, you feel your field cleansing more and more.
You focus on your soul being able to come closer to you, you focus on your energy coming back to you. I always say to myself: “Time stands still and I am completely one”. Because we have an eternal part within us, a part where everything is calm. And we can consciously connect with this part of us. With every breath your energy level is being reloaded.
If thoughts arise, simply let them go and return your focus to your breath. The thoughts are there, that is completely normal, you do not need to pay attention to them. Just let them be, let them wander, but you stay where you are.
At the end of the meditation you can strengthen yourself with the following affirmations: “I am grateful”,“I am safe”,“I love and accept myself just as I am”. Depending on the day, there might be one sentence that fits especially well, then say it a few times or twenty times ;-). Whatever feels good.
You can also finish by imagining how your whole body is re-synchronized, that all cells can communicate well with each other and are flooded with light. And that your DNA is purified and reactivated. It can vibrate according to its original, light-filled form.