``You can just call us spirit friends!``
The other day, this sentence above came as a message for a client, whose respect for spirit guides was so immense, that she hardly ever dared to ask them for anything. Well yes, the translation of the English “spirit guide” into “Geistführer” is not really helpful – the word “Führer” does not really bring forward the best of memories…
And many people perceive our helpers in spirit as some kind of distant authority judging us (thank you, world religions!).
SpiritFRIENDS on the other hand, aims at how supportive, benevolent and friendly these beings are to us. These guys must really, really like us, as they accompany us from the spirit world during our life on earth. Even if we do not believe in them, they do. Even if we do not listen to them, they stay with us and try again and again. This infinite love and patience can be like a powerbank for us, making our earthly lives much easier.
Benevolent support
But, the thing with friends is this: our spirit guides have a great sense of humor and manage to point out our weaknesses with a benevolent smile. But in order to perceive or even hear the spirit guides, we have to be quiet, really quiet inside. And that´s exactly what is not always so easy to do in our hectic world.
But even if we can’t always hear them: our spiritFRIENDS hear us, always.

Gemmotherapy essences like· Alnus Glutinosa can help us with our connection to the spirit world.
Verbindung zum geistigen Team
When spirit friends come forward during individual sessions, not only can you feel a beautiful, uplifting energy, they also always manage to give us a different perspective. A viewpoint which despite all the difficulties of this life on earth is full of trust and lightness.
To connect to your spirit team you don’t have to be or necessarily contact a medium. Your spirit friends always have time for you – it is us, that we often don’t take time to connect with them. It takes silence and you have to quiet down the always talkative mind to perceive the spirit team. Basically we only need to send them our wish that we would like to feel them closer to us – so during the next meditation you can just try it out 😉.
The gemmomacerate of the black alder (Alnus glutinosa) not only has a an anti-inflammatory effect on all body tissues, on the spirit level “it opens access to the Otherworld, to the nature spirits and the ancestors.” (Source: Gemmotherapie, Chrischta Ganz, Louis Hutter, AT Verlag, in German). This gemmomacerate can help us to bring forward the hidden or suppressed parts of our personality, it also helps us in accessing the spirit world. It actually makes sense! The more we connect to ourselves, the more we can connect to the spirit world.